History, Staff & Board


From a church basement to the former Pottstown Health Club

The TriCounty Active Adult Center was founded in 1976 as the Pottstown Area Seniors’ Center, and began operations in the basement of Christ Episcopal Church in Pottstown. By the end of the first year of operations there were almost 200 members, with many coming in daily for a hot lunch and social and recreational programs.

Quickly outgrowing the church, the center moved to the “Eagle” building on High Street in Pottstown, where staff, support, programs and activities were all expanded to meet the needs of the growing number of seniors in the region.  In 2000, it was decided that the Eagle building no longer met the needs of the members, and the center was moved into a shared space with the Pottstown YMCA, where it spent the next 15 years.

As both organizations grew, space became limited, and the center began the search for another new home in 2012.  Many buildings, sites, and partnerships were explored before the center decided to purchase the former Pottstown Health Club.  Renovations began on the building in 2015, and were completed in spring of 2017.

After 40 years of serving older adults, the decision was made to change the name of the center in 2015.  No longer serving just “seniors” and seeking to more accurately describe the area served by the center, the name was changed to the TriCounty Active Adult Center.

Today, the TriCounty Active Adult Center is a modern facility offering a daily hot lunch, and nearly 100 social, recreational, educational, and exercise programs each week.  A professional staff is always available to answer questions, assist with forms, and provide guidance.

Our Team

The professional staff of the TriCounty Active Adult Center is always available to help or answer questions.  Reach out to us!

Brian Parkes

Brian Parkes

Executive Director

Brian has been the executive director since 2014. Brian’s background includes 10 years of experience helping nonprofit organizations raise more money and communicate better.

Hannah Davis

Hannah Davis

Assistant Executive Director

Hannah joined the TriCounty Active Adult Center in 2023. Hannah has a number of years of nonprofit experience, and is responsible for all program planning at TRAAC.


Karin Heinly

Karin Heinly

Nutritional Services Director

Karin oversees all of our nutrition programs, and plans and cooks our delicious meals on-site from scratch.

Sharon Leibensperger

Sharon Leibensperger

Office Manager

Sharon has spent most of the past 25 years managing all of the back-office duties of the TriCounty Active Adult Center.

Polly Dobbs, LSW

Polly Dobbs, LSW

Community Resource Navigator

Polly helps our guests live better.
If you need help or have questions about rent rebates, Medicare benefits, identifying a scam, or anything else, Polly is the expert!

Jolene Wert

Jolene Wert

Health & Wellness Coordinator

Jolene helps coordinate daily programming, and runs the Sit & Get Fit and 50+Fit exercise classes, PiYo, Early Bird Fitness and more.

Traci Zammetti

Traci Zammetti

Sous Chef

Traci assists with prepping the fresh daily lunch, and produces many of the delicious soups and other cafe items.

Esteven Puma

Esteven Puma

Building Manager

Esteven keeps the building sparkling and functioning on a daily basis.

Donna Miller

Donna Miller

Trips Coordinator

Donna runs the busy trips program.

Barbara Kundrack

Barbara Kundrack


Barb helps run the very busy front desk, greeting guests, managing the sign-up process, and answering the phone.

Betty Bortz

Betty Bortz


Betty helps run the very busy front desk, greeting guests, managing the sign-up process, and answering the phone.

Jean Ajemian

Jean Ajemian

Kitchen Assistant

Jean helps to prepare our daily lunch and cafe items.

Board Members

The role of the TriCounty Active Adult Center’s board of directors is to determine the mission of the organization, set the goals, help provide resources, and oversee the progress. The board meets monthly, on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 8 am.

2024-2025 Board of Directors

Sue Ann Yocom – President
Monica Wagg – Vice President
Richard Gray – Treasurer
                     – Secretary

Angela Dement
Don Foy
Phyllis Harwood
Sylvia Landis
Alberta Rasmussen
Eric Schmidt
Stephen Schur
Victoria Washington-Hill
Bobby Watson
Peggy Whittaker
Tammy Wolfe

Emeritus Members
Virginia Takach
Barbara Borger
Dr. Garland Fisher, D.C.
William Krause
Tom Spann



The TriCounty Active Adult Center is partially funded by Montgomery County Office of Senior Services.